Wednesday, September 16, 2009

High Level Design Documents and Low Level Design Documents

Well, if we talk about e-learning standards we come across lot of acronyms, and the most important are the Design Documents which gives the real structure to our training product.

I mean the skeleton for the Web Base Training or Computer Based Training programs.

Of course, I am talking about High Level Design (HLD) and Low Level Design (LLD), documents which puts your project into shape.

So what is the difference between HLD and LLD?. Lets put it through a simple definition.

A High Level Design Document (HLD) forecast the entire structural design of any e-learning project. Here we can describe and understand the entire structure from the main module to all sub module. This can be very useful for the Instructional Designers and Content Developers which will help them understand the flow of the entire project. This will also help to track the development process of any given learning project. Well an easy way to divide your e-project into different categories for its fully functional performance.

Once a project is entirely outlined, we enlist to its detail phase, where the project is broken down into modules and sub modules so called lessons and topics. Here we develop specification document for the implementation of each module and its sub module. Each module and sub module is designed carefully with technical clarity and company standards. The entry criteria for this will be the HLD document and the exit will be the standards documents.

The Low Level Design Document confers any project with actual shape and guidance to use the technology and the standard templates with full functionality, which are designed based on the High Level Design Document. LLD defines internal logic of corresponding sub module guiding the designers to prepare and map individual LLD’s to every module. A good Low Level Design Document developed will make any ILT and the e-learning project comfortably developed by the designers and developers because of its proper analysis which is made earlier.

Till you guys enjoy, analyzing this situation, if it is missing from your project plan you need to get back to do some serious work, till then I will find a new topic for you all.

Good bye and all the best.

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